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Introduction of robust apple cultivars for organic fruit production and traditional extensive orcharding


Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz

Federal State



Kernerplatz 10
70182 Stuttgart

Website: External link to the authority

Project Title

Introduction of robust apple cultivars for organic fruit production and traditional extensive orcharding

Project description

The genetic impoverishment of modern apple cultivars has led to an increase in the susceptibility to pests and diseases. This has resulted in the need to apply numerous plant protection treatments that are extremely resource inefficient. The introduction of the so called “black spot resistant” cultivars with only single gene disease resistance has resulted in a breakdown of disease resistance. The main goal of the operational group is to breed new cultivars with a broader based genetic resistance to extend and further develop both organic and traditional extensive orcharding. 1. Selection of recently breed new cultivars with resistance / tolerance characteristics to be conducted under “worst case” conditions at experimental test facilities and during practical field trialing. 2. Establishment of new cultivars in commercial orchards and an introduction to market commercialisation. 3. Investigation of the suitability of traditional cultivars held at the Baden-Württemberg Cultivar Conservation Centre for breeding purposes to broaden the genetic basis. 4. Breeding of new cultivars based on the gene pool from the traditional cultivars and the already existing breeding act

Key words

  • Genetic resource
  • Pest/disease control in plants

Main funding source

Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups (in the sense of Art 56 of Reg.1305/2013)

OG contact information

Fördergemeinschaft ökologischer Obstbau (FÖKO e.V.)
Schumacherhof 6
88213 Ravensburg

Phone: 0171 7844456

Email: haug@foeko.de

Type of OG partners

  • Farmer
  • Advisor
  • Researcher

Begin of project


Project status


Total budget applied for in EUR


Link 1

project video



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